Sunday, May 29, 2022

Kerala Lottery Result 30.05.2022 Win Win Lottery Results W 670

Kerala Lottery May Result

30.05.2022 Kerala Lottery (Monday)

Win Win Lottery W.670 Result

Kerala Lottery Result Today | Kerala Lottery Today Results Live

Find out Kerala lottery results today from, Daily at 03.55 PM. Kerala Lottery results are published by the lottery department of the Kerala Government. Kerala Lottery through official Lottery Medium keralalotteries. This website is only for promotional purposes. You can check the result through the websites of Kerala Lottery Results. Lottery today result is Win Win Lottery W-670 on 30-05-2022 and yesterday old Kerala lottery result is also available here...

LIVE Kerala Lottery Result: Win Win Lotteries 30.5.22 Win Win W 670

The directorate of Kerala Lotteries declares today's official Win Win W670 Kerala Lottery Result on Monday, 30-05-2022. Here you can check, search, download and print the Win Win Lottery W-670 result. All Win Win Lottery W 670 Results are published live at 3 pm, Today on website. Check the Win Win Lottery W.670 Result below.

Next Bumper Lottery

Kerala Lottery Result

ഈ വെബ്സൈറ്റിൽ ലോട്ടറി റിസൾട്ട് തത്സമയം പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിക്കുന്നു പുതിയ ഓരോ നമ്പറുകളും കാണുന്നതിനായി ഈ പേജിലെ റീഫ്രഷ് എന്ന ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക!

“If you can't see the Lottery Result “Win Win-Lottery Result Live" Please Refresh this page and wait for some time...”


"Live Win Win Lottery Result W-670"

Win Win Lottery No. W-670th Draw Held On 30-05-2022
At Gorky Bhavan Near Bakery Junction Thiruvananthapuram
Live Result Starting At 02:55 pm
Official Result available from 03:55 PM onwards
to see live-lottery-result newly Added Numbers!

1st Prize Rs.7,500,000/- (75 Lakhs)
WA 730544 (PATTAMBI)
Agent Name: VINOD K
Agency No. : P 1839
Consolation Prize Rs.8,000/-
WB 730544  WC 730544
WD 730544  WE 730544
WF 730544  WG 730544
WH 730544  WJ 730544
WK 730544  WL 730544  WM 730544
2nd Prize Rs.500,000/- (5 Lakhs)
WJ 995661 (VAIKKOM)
Agency No. : K 9253
3rd Prize Rs.100,000/- (1 Lakh)
1) WA 263642 (ERNAKULAM)
3) WC 578700 (ERNAKULAM)
5) WE 591759 (ALAPPUZHA)
6) WF 190242 (IDUKKI)
8) WH 777997 (KOTTAYAM)
10) WK 165209 (KOLLAM)
11) WL 276243 (IRINJALAKUDA)
12) WM 215403 (THRISSUR)

For The Tickets Ending With The Following Numbers

4th Prize Rs.5,000/-
0038  2867  4264  4309  4691  4768  5182  5299  6723  8129  8399  8408  8430  8639  8816  8838  9149  9940
5th Prize Rs.2,000/-
0363  0655  0967  2361  3035  4523  4808  6255  9337  9917
6th Prize Rs.1,000/-
0240  1149  2075  2562  2777  2909  2954  4456  4889  5368  5614  5881  6468  6986
7th Prize Rs.500/-
0480  0749  0790  0892  0918  0985  1311  1508  1561  2170  2174  2593  2737  2766  2883  2943  2947  2978  3069  3107  3497  3614  3722  3748  3764  3898  3929  3936  4081  4182  4394  4480  4562  4568  4579  4828  5007  5207  5410  5543  5656  5685  6004  6031  6035  6037  6131  6183  6292  6815  6881  6988  7000  7012  7050  7134  7205  7256  7297  7314  7602  7620  7817  7854  7894  7907  7919  8004  8217  8402  8488  8724  8784  9185  9186  9215  9338  9395  9434  9510  9878  9885
8th Prize Rs.100/-
0007  0012  0052  0195  0223  0432  0554  0643  0731  1020  1039  1047  1315  1384  1398  1403  1425  1429  1513  1540  1598  1774  1785  1810  1901  1995  2128  2167  2266  2329  2890  2958  3160  3233  3306  3318  3406  3464  3603  3790  3896  4021  4025  4057  4109  4122  4185  4274  4298  4459  4495  4498  4777  4800  4829  4843  4898  4905  4919  4949  4978  5176  5271  5330  5480  5520  5582  5772  5793  5846  6009  6230  6323  6367  6376  6380  6462  6477  6533  6543  6562  6598  6635  6826  6905  6909  7159  7169  7201  7212  7243  7330  7352  7353  7428  7451  7488  7639  7706  7791  7832  7881  7884  7976  7996  8029  8184  8198  8332  8387  8458  8597  8636  8737  8766  8801  8833  9022  9144  9164  9168  9265  9398  9618  9688  9865

“The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazette and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days”

Win Win Lottery Previous Results

Next Win Win Lottery W-671 Draw Will Be Held On 06/06/2022 At Gorky Bhavan Near Bakery Junction Thiruvananthapuram.




These Kerala lottery results LIVE RESULT is not official. Just for informational purposes. Some Numbers may be missing. Please verify the official result as it is released.

We publish Kerala lottery live-lottery-result Win Win 30/05/2022 live-lottery live-Kerala-lottery-result live-lottery weekly publish live-lottery-draw live-Kerala-lottery-result Win Win W 670 lottery result 30-05-2022, Win Win lottery Monday result 30-05-2022, 30.05.2022 Monday W-670 lottery result, Win Win lottery result today W 670 (May 30, 2022), Kerala lottery result today, Win Win lottery result today, Today's lottery result, Win Win W-670 lottery result, Win Win lottery draw result, Kerala Win Win lottery result 30/05/2022

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