Sunday, January 15, 2023

Kerala Lottery Result 16.01.2023 Win Win Lottery Results W 702

Kerala Lottery January Result

16.01.2023 Kerala Lottery (Monday)

Win Win Lottery W.702 Result

Kerala Lottery Result Today | Kerala Lottery Today Results Live

Find out Kerala lottery results today from, Daily at 03.55 PM. Kerala Lottery results are published by the lottery department of the Kerala Government. Kerala Lottery through official Lottery Medium keralalotteries. This website is only for promotional purposes. You can check the result through the websites of Kerala Lottery Results. Lottery today result is Win Win Lottery W-702 on 16-01-2023 and yesterday old Kerala lottery result is also available here...

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LIVE Kerala Lottery Result: Win Win Lotteries 16.01.23 Win Win W 702

The Directorate of Kerala Lotteries declares today's official Win Win W702 Kerala Lottery Result on Monday, 16-01-2023. Here you can check, search, download and print the Win Win Lottery W-702 result. All Win Win Lottery W 702 Results are published live at 3 pm, Today on website. Check the Win Win Lottery W.702 Result below.

Kerala Lottery Result

ഈ വെബ്സൈറ്റിൽ ലോട്ടറി റിസൾട്ട് തത്സമയം പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിക്കുന്നു പുതിയ ഓരോ നമ്പറുകളും കാണുന്നതിനായി ഈ പേജിലെ റീഫ്രഷ് എന്ന ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക!

“If you can't see the Lottery Result “Win Win-Lottery Result Live" Please Refresh this page and wait for some time...”


"Live Win Win Lottery Result W-702"

Win Win Lottery No. W-702nd Draw Held On 16-01-2023
At Gorky Bhavan Near Bakery Junction Thiruvananthapuram
Live Result Starting At 02:55 pm
Official Results are available from 03:55 PM onwards
to see live-lottery-result newly Added Numbers! 

1st Prize Rs.7,500,000/- (75 Lakhs)
Agent Name: BIBIN ALEX
Agency No.: A 4756
Consolation Prize Rs.8,000/-
WA 634255  WB 634255
WC 634255  WD 634255
WE 634255  WG 634255
WH 634255  WJ 634255
WK 634255  WL 634255  WM 634255
2nd Prize Rs.500,000/- (5 Lakhs)
WG 552411 (PATTAMBI)
Agent Name: REJITHA K V
Agency No.: P 5758
3rd Prize Rs.100,000/- (1 Lakh)
1) WA 541488 (MALAPPURAM)
2) WB 830614 (KASARAGOD)
3) WC 125276 (CHITTUR)
4) WD 124764 (CHITTUR)
5) WE 947131 (PUNALUR)
7) WG 253411 (THRISSUR)
10) WK 847888 (VADAKARA)
11) WL 835680 (KOLLAM)
12) WM 628452 (KOLLAM)

For The Tickets Ending With The Following Numbers

4th Prize Rs.5,000/-
0811  1097  1169  1631  2987  3321  3547  3833  4629  5163  7053  7807  7869  7875  7993  8068  8643  9154
5th Prize Rs.2,000/-
0722  0920  3937  4501  5309  6863  7112  7550  8099  8650
6th Prize Rs.1,000/-
0380  1113  1786  2238  2591  3354  3501  4820  4871  5552  6165  7849  8236  8688
7th Prize Rs.500/-
0028  0300  0364  0781  0817  0878  0988  0992  1018  1046  1217  1299  1303  1327  1421  1523  1537  1772  1907  1939  2008  2343  2348  2369  2730  2782  2798  3113  3216  3454  3579  3782  3902  3960  3983  4037  4147  4253  4606  4696  5195  5226  5366  5654  5668  5688  5836  5949  6058  6293  6504  6531  6550  6796  6965  7253  7390  7397  7540  7711  7811  7821  7948  7957  8156  8313  8435  8514  8823  8875  8909  8998  9115  9328  9397  9451  9464  9532  9777  9802  9841  9927
8th Prize Rs.100/-
0035  0126  0263  0289  0320  0377  0563  0572  1025  1199  1252  1256  1292  1636  1773  1874  1941  2060  2062  2229  2244  2286  2324  2349  2610  2714  2746  2778  2820  2853  3038  3112  3119  3125  3175  3373  3488  3728  3757  3830  3851  3856  3955  3961  4067  4226  4235  4246  4323  4429  4446  4490  4649  4742  4800  4822  4853  4926  4962  5023  5095  5273  5299  5430  5434  5542  5585  5593  5675  5843  5868  5953  6219  6253  6327  6415  6437  6467  6493  6515  6525  6563  6721  6819  6928  7023  7171  7260  7269  7330  7349  7424  7446  7461  7563  7615  7620  7690  7820  7953  8120  8142  8213  8256  8269  8273  8296  8333  8480  8525  8544  8572  8588  8764  8770  8870  9109  9271  9361  9369  9384  9406  9477  9650  9739  9890

“The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazette and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days”

Win Win Lottery Previous Results

Next Win Win Lottery W-703 Draw Will Be Held On 23/01/2023 At Gorky Bhavan Near Bakery Junction Thiruvananthapuram.




These Kerala lottery results LIVE RESULT is not official. Just for informational purposes. Some Numbers may be missing. Please verify the official result as it is released.
We publish Kerala lottery live-lottery-result Win Win 16/01/2023 live-lottery live-Kerala-lottery-result live-lottery weekly publish live-lottery-draw live-Kerala-lottery-result Win Win W 702 lottery result 16-01-2023, Win Win lottery Monday result 16-01-2023, 16.01.2023 Monday W-702 lottery result, Win Win lottery result today W 702 (January 16, 2023), Kerala lottery result today, Win Win lottery result today, Today's lottery result, Win Win W-702 lottery result, Win Win lottery draw result, Kerala Win Win lottery result 16/01/2023

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