Sunday, October 29, 2023

Kerala Lottery Result 30.10.2023 Win Win Lottery Results W 741

Kerala Lottery October Result

30.10.2023 Kerala Lottery (Monday)

Win Win Lottery W.741 Result

Kerala Lottery Result Today | Kerala Lottery Today Results Live

Find out Kerala lottery results today from, Daily at 03.55 PM. Kerala Lottery results are published by the lottery department of the Kerala Government. Kerala Lottery through official Lottery Medium keralalotteries. This website is only for promotional purposes. You can check the result through the websites of Kerala Lottery Results. Lottery today result is Win Win Lottery W-741 on 30-10-2023 and yesterday old Kerala lottery result is also available here...

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LIVE Kerala Lottery Result: Win Win Lotteries 30.10.23 Win Win W 741

The Directorate of Kerala Lotteries declares today's official Win Win W741 Kerala Lottery Result on Monday, 30-10-2023. Here you can check, search, download and print the Win Win Lottery W-741 result. All Win Win Lottery W 741 Results are published live at 3 pm, Today on website. Check the Win Win Lottery W.741 Result below.

Kerala Lottery Result

ഈ വെബ്സൈറ്റിൽ ലോട്ടറി റിസൾട്ട് തത്സമയം പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിക്കുന്നു പുതിയ ഓരോ നമ്പറുകളും കാണുന്നതിനായി ഈ പേജിലെ റീഫ്രഷ് എന്ന ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക!

“If you can't see the Lottery Result “Win Win-Lottery Result Live" Please Refresh this page and wait for some time...”


"Live Win Win Lottery Result W-741"

Win Win Lottery No. W-741st Draw Held On 30-10-2023
At Gorky Bhavan Near Bakery Junction Thiruvananthapuram
Live Result Starting At 02:55 pm
Official Results are available from 03:55 PM onwards
to see live-lottery-result newly Added Numbers!

1st Prize Rs.7,500,000/- (75 Lakhs)
WT 465665 (KOLLAM)
Agent Name: MURUKAN
Agency No.: Q 4502
Consolation Prize Rs.8,000/-
WN 465665  WO 465665
WP 465665  WR 465665
WS 465665  WU 465665
WV 465665  WW 465665
WX 465665  WY 465665  WZ 465665
2nd Prize Rs.500,000/- (5 Lakhs)
WW 556581 (IDUKKI)
Agent Name: SUBAIR T P
Agency No.: Y 2778
3rd Prize Rs.100,000/- (1 Lakh)
1) WN 509718 (PATTAMBI)
2) WO 561932 (KOTTAYAM)
4) WR 615579 (ERNAKULAM)
5) WS 976062 (KOZHIKKODE)
6) WT 976285 (KOZHIKKODE)
7) WU 843929 (KATTAPPANA)
8) WV 754755 (PATTAMBI)
9) WW 937280 (ERNAKULAM)
10) WX 294926 (VAIKKOM)
11) WY 569023 (ALAPPUZHA)
12) WZ 611295 (THRISSUR)

For The Tickets Ending With The Following Numbers

4th Prize Rs.5,000/-
0435  0944  1149  1612  2470  2770  3618  4608  5686  6215  6324  6697  6925  7483  8032  8820  8875  8969
5th Prize Rs.2,000/-
1465  2522  2987  3220  4935  5962  6626  7370  7945  8260
6th Prize Rs.1,000/-
0191  1447  2081  3318  3824  4979  6552  6593  6700  7743  7804  8689  8757  9928
7th Prize Rs.500/-
0111  0121  0273  0315  0335  0391  0394  0632  0687  0746  0828  1096  1244  1287  1308  1396  1411  1908  2078  2160  2361  2419  2541  2686  2909  2918  2919  3054  3174  3249  3370  3854  3905  3912  3997  4069  4112  4201  4381  4404  4716  4863  4984  5279  5285  5348  5420  5574  5688  5903  6026  6119  6160  6248  6271  6425  6468  6518  6898  6911  7001  7026  7153  7209  7535  7860  7920  8059  8076  8179  8191  8333  8585  8727  8936  8974  9104  9223  9414  9447  9466  9727
8th Prize Rs.100/-
0113  0136  0204  0280  0290  0320  0387  0388  0514  0631  0661  0709  0758  0812  0857  0898  0938  0957  0971  1027  1031  1072  1105  1171  1188  1223  1277  1402  1505  1535  1788  1846  1874  1896  1905  2018  2075  2086  2161  2178  2236  2414  2631  2647  2784  2876  2911  2959  3138  3182  3186  3242  3279  3323  3428  3485  3793  3857  3859  4162  4165  4207  4220  4314  4376  4383  4558  4614  4732  4926  4947  4989  5383  5436  5445  5446  5554  5609  5619  5701  5771  6109  6217  6234  6438  6512  6558  6573  6691  6842  6892  6902  7032  7047  7082  7339  7388  7427  7599  7695  7700  7826  7848  7940  8042  8100  8245  8329  8389  8504  8850  8860  8968  9085  9130  9152  9163  9264  9298  9346  9368  9370  9721  9733  9772  9955

“The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazette and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days”

Win Win Lottery Previous Results

Next Win Win Lottery W-741 Draw Will Be Held On 06/11/2023 At Gorky Bhavan Near Bakery Junction Thiruvananthapuram.




These Kerala lottery results LIVE RESULT is not official. Just for informational purposes. Some Numbers may be missing. Please verify the official result as it is released.
We publish Kerala lottery live-lottery-result Win Win 30/10/2023 live-lottery live-Kerala-lottery-result live-lottery weekly publish live-lottery-draw live-Kerala-lottery-result Win Win W 741 lottery result 30-10-2023, Win Win lottery Monday result 30-10-2023, 30.10.2023 Monday W-741 lottery result, Win Win lottery result today W 741 (October 30 2023), Kerala lottery result today, Win Win lottery result today, Today's lottery result, Win Win W-741 lottery result, Win Win lottery draw result, Kerala Win Win lottery result 30/10/2023

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